Renewing Funding Relationships: Certifying First Nations Social Service Administrators


  • Gayle Broad Associate Professor, Algoma University
  • Micheal Nadeau Executive Director of the Ontario Native Welfare Administrators' Ontario Native Welfare Administrators' Association: Garden River First Nation 705-942-3157


This is a perspectives/issues piece so there is no abstract.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Gayle Broad, Associate Professor, Algoma University

Dr. Gayle Broad is an Associate Professor in the Community Economic and Social Development program at Algoma University and has been delivering courses in an intensive, off-campus format since 2004. Gayle has worked with the Ontario Native Welfare Administrators’ Association (ONWAA) in developing the partnership with Algoma U, and led Algoma’s team in developing and delivering the program. Research interests include: social economy, community based research, public legal education, community development

Micheal Nadeau, Executive Director of the Ontario Native Welfare Administrators' Ontario Native Welfare Administrators' Association: Garden River First Nation 705-942-3157

Micheal Nadeau has been the Executive Director of the Ontario Native Welfare Administrators' Association since 2001, which represents 105 of the 111 First Nation Ontario Works programs in Ontario. Micheal has extensive knowledge regarding First Nation social assistance programs, policy and best practices and has personally visited 79 member First Nations in Ontario over the past ten years.




Comment citer

Broad, G., & Nadeau, M. (2012). Renewing Funding Relationships: Certifying First Nations Social Service Administrators. Canadian Review of Social Policy Revue Canadienne De Politique Sociale, (67). Consulté à l’adresse