The ethics of care and the Newfoundland Paid Family Caregiver Program: An assessment


  • Maggie FitzGerald Murphy Carleton University


ethics of care, long-term care, normative policy analysis


The ethics of care has gained traction as a feminist normative lens from which to examine policies and policy issues. This paper aims to contribute to this growing literature by employing a critical ethics of care lens to assess a new long-term care initiative in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. This initiative, called the Newfoundland Paid Family Caregiver Program, allows eligible participants to pay family members for some care services. This analysis uncovers numerous tensions, both practical and theoretical, related to the way this program (re)organizes care. Specifically, the ways in which this program downloads caring responsibilities onto the family, characterizes care as a private concern, and monetizes caring relations is discussed. 

Author Biography

Maggie FitzGerald Murphy, Carleton University

Maggie FitzGerald Murphy is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science and the Institute of Political Economy at Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada.



How to Cite

FitzGerald Murphy, M. (2017). The ethics of care and the Newfoundland Paid Family Caregiver Program: An assessment. Canadian Review of Social Policy Revue Canadienne De Politique Sociale, 77. Retrieved from


