Social Policy, Social Democracy, and the Lessons of History: A Case Study of Gareth Stedman Jones' "An End to Poverty?"


  • Larry Patriquin


Gareth Stedman Jones argues in An End to Poverty? A Historical Debate that it is
important to reconsider Enlightenment thinkers, in particular Antoine-Nicolas de
Condorcet and Thomas Paine, because they can inform current debates on social
policy as well as contribute to a renewal of social democratic philosophy. In contrast,
this article suggests that the proposals of these writers are of little value in
addressing the contemporary challenge of eradicating poverty and are unhelpful
in rethinking the central commitments of social democracy. This article will conclude
with a brief examination of the lessons we can draw from Sweden, which has
produced the most comprehensive welfare state in the advanced capitalist societies.

Gareth Stedman Jones soutient dans son article An End to Poverty? A Historical
Debate qu'il est important de revisiter les penseurs du Sigcle des lumigres, dont en
particulier Antoine-Nicolas de Condorcet et Thomas Paine, parce qu'ils peuvent
Cclairer les debats actuels sur la politique sociale et contribuer ainsi au renouveau
de la philosophie social-democratique. Cet article suggsre, en revanche, que les
propositions de ces Ccrivains n'ont que peu de valeur au sujet du defi contemporain
de l'eradication de la pauvretC et ne sont d'aucun secours quand il s'agit de repenser
les engagements fondamentaux de la social-dCmocratie. En conclusion, cet article
examine brigvement les lefons h retenir de la Sukde qui a produit 1'~tat-providence
le plus avancC des sociCt6s capitalistes progressistes.




How to Cite

Patriquin, L. (1996). Social Policy, Social Democracy, and the Lessons of History: A Case Study of Gareth Stedman Jones’ "An End to Poverty?". Canadian Review of Social Policy Revue Canadienne De Politique Sociale, (63-64). Retrieved from


